This letter gives us another secret to growth and change to those of us who are feeling a little bit complacent. Maybe we feel a little more bored than blessed when we connect with church … Perhaps we feel a lot more attached to this world than we’d like - (who doesn’t struggle with that?) and looking us straight in the eye Jesus says - “I want you to see your need as you never have before. Then I’d be able to meet your need as I never have before.” John writes this way to the church in Laodicea - “To the angel of the church of Laodicea write, ‘These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds that you’re neither cold nor hot … I wish that you were one or the other … But you don’t realise you’re wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you get from me gold refined in the fire so you can become rich and white clothes to wear so you can cover your shameful nakedness salve to put on your eyes so you can see.” (Revelation 3:14 ff) Not easy words from Jesus but they end with his remarkable promise - “Look! I am standing at the door and I'm constantly knocking. If anyone opens the door I will come in and I’ll fellowship with him; I’ll relate to him, I’ll dine with him and he’ll fellowship with me.” (Revelation 3:20 – Message)

Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Jesus taught in the Synagogue.
He travelled by boat over the Sea of Galilee.
He taught from the boat.
Many healings and miracles were carried out at Capernaum.
Are you being fed by a personal relationship with Jesus?
Are you taking Jesus the light of the world into the dark places ?
Are you being a Fisherman?
Take your God given gifts and let Jesus feed the people.
Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go? YOU have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the holy One of God

Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
You must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer if necessary to share the Good News. 2 Timothy 1:8
Daniel stood out because of his professional competence, his personal character, and his public commitment to God - so much so that he survived three kings and two empires. At the age of 82, he was still in demand and being promoted. Daniel’s success made others around him jealous.
When a group of them conspired against him, Daniel continued to pray and be faithful to God.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
“I have heard that the Spirit of God is in you, that you possess brilliant knowledge and extraordinary wisdom.” Daniel 5:14
Daniel was known for his wisdom and knowledge. The measure of a person’s success can usually be evaluated by their reputation. When we need help with something we want to call on the people who know the most about what’s puzzling us.
Daniel was called on to “interpret dreams, explain the meaning of mysteries and solve difficult problems” (Daniel 5:12) and he was known as having the Spirit of God in him.
We can learn from Daniel, a man of integrity who put into practice what he learned and honoured God with his life.

Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
“If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” Luke 16:11
Success tests our character.
Success raises in us questions of pride and humility.
As the leader of the Babylonian empire, King Nebuchadnezzar was the most successful man in the world at that time (Daniel chapter 4). But with pride, ego, and arrogance, he took all the credit for his success and never acknowledged God’s role in his life.
Nebuchadnezzar’s story helps us see some of the potential pitfalls that come with success, and how we can avoid them.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
“As soon as the music starts, you are to bow down and worship the gold statue that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Anyone who does not bow down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.” Daniel 3:5b-6 (Good News Bible)
Movies and sports teams give us plenty of people to idolise. Social media shows us how to make ourselves appear greater than we are. But God tells us He is to have first place in our lives. When confronted with social pressure to conform to the world’s standards, God is there to defend us when we believe in Him and declare our allegiance to Him. Trusting God frees us, gives witness in the world around us, and grows our faith.

Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
“Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life, so guard it well.” Proverbs 4:13 (Today’s English Version)
Most people don’t care what we believe. But there are a vocal few who want to belittle our faith. Daniel gives us an example of someone who was indoctrinated against God’s teaching for three years, yet he grew in God’s wisdom and understanding. His advice was ten times better than all the king’s other advisors (see Daniel 1).
Proverbs 23:23 tells us to “invest in truth and wisdom, discipline and good sense, and don’t part with them” (Contemporary English Version). Good counsel for all God’s life long learners.

Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
“Lord, I want to live a blameless life, but how I need your help Lord, especially in my own home, where I long to act as I should.” Psalm 101:2 (Living Bible)
One of the hardest places to show love and mercy is within the walls of our own homes. There, we're being seen 24/7 for the person we really are. So family members can hurt, and are hurt by each other, in ways that are especially challenging.
Nevertheless, we can show love and mercy at home, by -
overlooking irritations and offences,
being kind even when others don’t deserve it,
letting go of past hurts, and
believing God is working in the lives of others.

Friday May 12, 2017
7th May 2017 - KEEPING ON - No Matter What
Friday May 12, 2017
Friday May 12, 2017
“… all the foundations of society are being shaken to the core.” Psalm 82:5 (Living Bible)
Sometimes our world feels like it’s being turned upside down as we encounter injustice, idolatry, and immorality. Of course none of it is new! Scripture shows us that these kinds of situations happened to God’s people many times throughout history.
Nevertheless, in a rapidly changing world God wants us to “keep on” – not just surviving, but thriving.
So we shouldn’t be surprised by adversity, but instead look at how God could use it for good, and trust God for the situations we don’t understand.

Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
We live in a world in which the winner takes all. Consider the Olympic swimming. As little as one hundredth of a second can separate gold from silver in the final.
But we only value the gold medal. We only remember the gold medalist.
Yep, it’s definitely a winner–takes–all world we live in, because the one thing that this world values above everything else, is success.
And who doesn’t want to succeed at whatever you turn your hand to. You start a business, you embark on a career, you enter into a marriage relationship, you bring children into this world. Is there anyone amongst us who doesn’t want to succeed at those important things?
Of course not!
And yet there’s something about ambition that can get real ugly, real quick. There’s something in each one of us that wants to shy away from ambitious people.
Think about it, how much do you value the quality of “ambition” in other people. It’s not up there in your top ten is it? Even in your top 20?!
In any case, didn’t Jesus say that “if you want to be first, you have to be last?”
So now, we have a dilemma. We all value success, yet we don’t much like that “ambition” label. But don’t you, at least to some extent, need to be ambitious in order to be successful?
Well, this Sunday, we’re going to take a look at the rights and wrongs of ambition.
From a different perspective. From the Bible’s perspective. From God’s perspective.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Sunday 23rd April MERCY - YOU, AN AGENT OF MERCY
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017